November 25, 2008


This is Tetris. Not the game - our dog. Or should I say our little furry man. He thinks he is one of us. I think it from all the spoiling he gets from his Mamoo and Granmom. (Daddy does his share also)

It was very hard to get another dog after Slater. He was my first boy. But I gave in and said ok. Well the first month I was not quite sure that I had made the best decision. Mom, Dad and Austin were out when we got him, so to keep him quiet he slept on the bed with us. He would not go outside to potty. The people we got him from used those potty pads so he thought the house was his outside. Then when you tried to take him for a walk he wouldn't walk. It was what he wanted to do or he would sit down. (This is still a problem - he is very stubborn)

Well after awhile he has come around and now I think he just might be a keeper.

But just in case he's not I just might auction him off to the highest bidder.

Hee Hee.

My Girl

Can Someone please tell me where the time goes. It seems like yesterday that I was laying in the hospital room waiting paitently for Tabitha to be born. Now she is 7 (going on 13) and comes up to my shoulder. WOW ~ that has happened quick! Here are some of my favorite pictures of her.

I am so proud of the wonderful young lady that she is becoming. Looking back thru the pictures reminds me to stop rushing through life. Take one day at a time and be thankful of the blessings that God has given me. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings this holiday season. Take some time out of this busy time and enjoy your family. We love you all.